Since the first cars appeared on the market, there has been a task of their transportation and the need to optimize costs while doing it. Nothing has changed in this sense for the field of FV logistics today: logistics operators are trying to choose, and manufacturers are trying to offer – the optimal transporter model that would be:
How well are we doing on this kind of optimal today?
In search for greater efficiency, the average number of possible loading schemes available on a European transporter today has reached 8 billion. In other words, modern car transporters offer variability so redundant that it becomes an additional complication – instead of an advantage for users.
The most optimal thing car transporting companies can do in this situation - is not waste time looking for loading schemes optimal for each shipment and use familiar tried-and-true loading combinations they know will work instead
As a result, most of the time potential for optimization which leading manufacturers heavily invest in and logistics operators strive for when buying the latest models of car carriers – is simply wasted. Expensive state-of-the-art car transporters are used for barely half of what they’re capable of, opportunities to optimize transportation costs are lost, the development of the whole industry is slowed down.
Is “optimal” car transporter even possible?
FV logistics market requirements change all the time: new car models enter the market, existing models change their dimensions and weight, operators acquire new clients, or explore new transportation routes, new legislation and transport regulations apply.
Loading Master: changing the paradigm of Optimal
To make full use of car transporter's capabilities – no matter how complex the engineering or the driver's qualification is – Loading Master technology offers:
Optimal loading